So pleased to read this. I'm only mildly disabled, but the floating bus stops do make life a significant notch harder work if you have impaired vision and balance. And given how much pavement is being given up for cycle lanes - in one spot just east of Hackney the pedestrians can only walk single file before crossing to the bus stop so cyclists are safer - it is kind of ahem annoying how big a minority still find it more convenient to steam along the pavement instead.

I have been thinking for ages I needed to voice my dissent to TfL, since they are responsible for pavements - but didn't know whom to approach. Will point a message to my Assembly member instead. Thank you

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Thanks for this Dave. As someone who frequently walks long distances across London I've noticed an increasing tendency for some cyclists to wilfully disregard no cycling signs on pedestrian only paths. I was knocked down in Hyde Park by a lime bike rider who turned without notice into a no cycling area and rode straight into me. He was very apologetic, and I hope he learned from it, but, as you say, we do need leadership to protect pedestrians and disabled people.

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Most people making casual use of e-bikes wouldn't think of themselves as 'cyclists', so appealing to that group identity is unlikely to do much in improving behaviour associated with them. Im lucky to live in an area that has copious segregated cycle lanes, and that seems to help keep things safe. There are always idiots in every type of vehicle though - and certainly some of the faster e-bikes seem like they should require a license.

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Change London for Manchester, it’s just as bad up north! Recently I spent a week in Edinburgh. The difference with cyclists obeying the law was amazing. I felt safe on the pavement!

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I'm partially sighted and people leave these bloody bikes everywhere. Fortunately I have yet to actually trip over one but if my sight was only slightly worse it would be a real problem.

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